Register for the course or a Demo lesson
Are you interested in some courses but would like to try it first ? Come for a free demo lesson ! You can easily register by the filling in the form on the left.
About us
We are a small, neighbourhood commumity center for adults and children in Prague 6, right on Hradčanská. We offer English, Spanish, yoga, meditations, mantra singing, massages and healing techniques. We also offer various weekend seminars of personal development, summer courses during holiday. Our main values are love, harmony, playfulness and joy. Come to see and try, we are looking forward to meeting you !

FunFárum – educational and community centre
Simona Racková
+420 725 740 628
IČ: 41790952
Where you find us
Milady Horákové 201/119
Praha 6 – Hradčany, 160 00
Right opposite the underground station and tram stop Hradčanská, entrance next to Costa Coffee. Parking in Na Valech street or by Písecká brána.